Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dress and bow I made for Mallory

This is a dress and hair bow I made for Mallory I am just lovin my Sewing Machine.
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The Phipps said...

that is so cute!!!!

Windy said...

it's about time your posted something cracker! It looks good! Mallory is as adorable as always! Miss you!

~The Dippold's said...

They are both so cute! Way to go!! :)

Van Tilden said...

your blog is so cool! I am so happy i watch Mallory a little through these pics. i can:t believe how big she has gotten.
and you:re so good at sewing! that is adorable. i never could make anything wearable haha. now i don:t even have a machine so i gave up lol.