Friday, February 13, 2009

Bradly's B-day Cake/Valentine

Okay, I can't make a manly cake by no means, but I thought on this one for a while even though I didn't spend a lot of time on it I thought it turned out okay. Bradly is a breast man so I made him what he likes! I am a good wife!


The Phipps said...

Wow, I'm learning alot about Brad Lou!!!

scott said...

"You are a good wife"
"You are a good wife"
"You are a good wife"
"You are a good wife"

... keep telling yourself that. :)

You should probably give him a normal cake and then surprise him with a different present. Ask him which he would prefer?

~The Dippold's said...

That is hillarious!!! Who would have thought . . . I too am learning more about Bradly.